Write your Congressmen

Saturday, February 7, 2009

An Open Letter Concerning the Spendulus Package

Senators Reach Tentative Deal on More Than $800B Economic 'Spendulus' Bill - Presidential Politics | Political News - FOXNews.com

An open letter to the supposed Party of Opposition; please feel free to copy and send to your congressmen. Links are above to their e-mail:

Sirs and Madams,

Thank you for your efforts on behalf of Americans, however I urge you to reject the Stimulus package. It is simply too much money for American Citizens to go into debt over. I hope you realize that the Government could simply pay several thousand dollars to every American, have a lower total price, and get a better net effect. I don't recommend that, but bring it up to illustrate how bad the stimulus bill is.

We need something specifically designed to correct the problems in the mortgage/housing market, for MUCH less money.

I fear that America will end up in the pocket of foreign entities because so much money is owed.

In conclusion, please DO NOT vote for the Stimulus. It's too big and will ruin the US financially.


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