Write your Congressmen

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Bill Clinton Has It Right

Apparently, Bill Clinton is fearing voter backlash from the spendtastic stimulus debacle. In a speech on Feb 07, he said that the Democrats "should become the party of 'How.'"

What he meant was they need to define "how" they would rescue the economy from the economic peril they lament hourly.

This is perhaps a swipe at Obama, who has been assailed from both parties for a lack of leadership. This complaint seems to be true, when one considers that he didn't write the bill (he palmed that off onto Nancy Pelosi, of whom it has been said to never copy her answers from a test). Obama has simply conducted a long series of interviews saying that it will be "a catastrophe" if the bill is not passed. It's like saying, "Trust me, I'm in charge, there's nothing to worry about if you just do as I say."

Clinton addressed the need for the democrats to explain how the stimulus will work. I agree. There's been no mention of how jobs will be created by doling out, for example, $40-plus Billion for the creation of ATV trails. Of course the impact on the environment wasn't discussed in that matter either, and of course, these projects will receive a waiver from EPA environmental impact studies. The environmentalists on the left must be howling, rethinking their votes.

I'd like to know the How of the stimulus, too. With no clear plan, this smacks of a different kind of presidential error. The left assailed Bush over his invasion of Iraq with no plan of exit. The stimulus, with no clear plan for recovery (let's call that an exit strategy for the stimulus), should at least receive the same scrutiny. This error could follow several generations as it puts the US into heavy debt to foreign nations, a security risk in and of itself.

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