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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Robber Barons: Insuring Insurance

This has to be one of the most egregious, money-grubbing plans of all time: a plan you can buy to insure you can buy insurance.

UnitedHealth to Insure the Right to Insurance - NYTimes.com:
"For these economically uncertain times, the UnitedHealth Group has a “first of its kind” product: the right to buy an individual health policy at some point in the future even if you become sick.

Called UnitedHealth Continuity, the product is not actual medical insurance, but is aimed at people who may have insurance now but are worried they may lose it — and may not be able to obtain replacement insurance on their own. They may expect to retire early, for example, before they qualify for Medicare. Or they are worried about the possibility of losing their job and their health coverage."

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