Let's be clear about the main sticking point for the 14 BILLION dollar loan: the Republican senators wanted the union to make concessions ASAP, in 2009, when they're needed. The UAW wouldn't allow them until 2011, I suppose hoping to dodge the matter altogether until after the car industry is back on it's feet. So who's the bad guy here?
So now Gettelfinger points to the GOP as the culprit, saying essentially, we made the mess, and the GOP are bad because they won't clean it up! Waaa, Waaaa.
In my career I have been a member of two separate unions, neither of which lifted a finger for me. Yet they always cashed my dues check and used it to promote politicians of whom I disapproved.
It's time we recognize the unions for what they are: corporate parasites. They'll kill American industry yet, if allowed to continue as they have been.
United Auto Workers Lash Out at GOP Senators Over Bailout Collapse - FOXNews.com Transition Tracker:
"The head of the United Auto Workers union lashed out Friday at Senate Republicans -- Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker, in particular -- blaming them for scuttling the $14 billion auto bailout package approved earlier in the week by the House."
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