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Friday, December 5, 2008

Are Students Coddled? Schools Get Rid of 'F's

Why not eliminate the grading system entirely? Doesn't it lead to a stratification of student self-worth, leading to feelings of inadequacy and guilt, leading to poor life performance? Shouldn't teachers be more concerned with their emotional development than what they actually know?

That is, of course, absolute nonsense, as is this revised policy. If you read the article, the student can still receive an "F" if he doesn't re-do the work. So what's the point? The point is that those running our schools overthink everything to the point of uselessness.

In one of my classes, my best student failed to turn in the required take-home final. He asked for an opportunity to turn it in late. I gave him 24 hours. He still didn't turn it in. His grade dropped from an A to a C. Maybe he wasn't the smartest student after all...

ABC News: Are Students Coddled? Schools Get Rid of 'F's: "For more students nationwide, the grading alphabet ends at 'D,' as school districts eliminate policies that allow children to be given failing marks."

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