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Monday, December 8, 2008

Big 3: From bad to Worse for the People

This report in, concerning the Big Three and what will happen if/when they sell off their alternate brands. In short, expect old, hallmarked brands such as Volvo to be coming from China.

More proof that our government is comprosed of fools.

Confirmed: Ford Wants To Sell Volvo To China Real Fast | The Truth About Cars:
"“At a time when much of the world economy seems to be screeching to a halt, China appears likely to remain a rare oasis of healthy growth,” writes the Nikkei. The Tokyo business paper is not known for over-hyping China. “The Chinese government has aggressively responded to the global economic downturn by announcing a series of massive public investment plans. The stock market has also rebounded 20% from its low at the end of October.”

Prepare yourself for what TTAC has said for quite a while: There will be a major sell-out of brands held by the D2.8, and the likely buyers will be in China. The crazy part is that the US government apparently is ordering Detroit to do so. Selling off brands for cheap is the price of doing the begging in DC."

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