There are lots of questions regarding immigration abnormalities here, but the first is obvious: We can expect more of the same from Obama's administration for the next 4 years that Clinton did regarding passing illegal aliens to US citizenship. Lord knows what the US population - and particularly the electorate - will look like by the end of it.
Crime committed by wanted illegals aside, one of the troubling things is that these "immigrants" are a known burden economically. The American middle class is already having a hard time in this economic mess we now have, so I wonder from whence the money will appear to pay for this, and all the other things Obama has promised. Remember, Obama has already proposed a stimulus of over 1
Trillion Dollars.
The people Obama has put in his cabinet to oversee and advise on matters of immigration (T. Alexander Aleinikoff, former executive associate commissioner for programs at the now-defunct
Immigration and Naturalization Service, and Mariano-Florentino "Tino" Cuellar, a professor at Stanford Law School and a senior Treasury Department adviser in the Clinton administration) have long histories of failure (read the article below). Pretty much, all they have managed to do is circumvent immigration rules to bring in mostly alien Hispanics. These Hispanics vote democratic, so it's a small jump to see that it benefits the Democrats politically to bring in as many aliens as possible. This is a return to the Clinton days, when it was widely known that Clinton was bolstering his voter base through the admission of Hispanics and Haitians to ensure his reelection.
Now, one could easily look at the Rod Blagojevich scandal as the selling of America, but what Clinton did, and Obama is poised to do, is much worse. Not only do rank-and-file Americans lose money on the deal, but they become completely disenfranchised politically, as their vote is diluted among the millions of aliens that can be brought in who will vote for the Democrats.
Definitely something to think about, and bears watching.
Washington Times - Obama aide tied to failed immigration program:
"CUSA saw 1.2 million foreign nationals become U.S. citizens in 1996. Many of them later were identified as convicted criminals. The program was endorsed vigorously by President Clinton but attacked by critics as an election-year ploy to speed naturalizations for political gain, noting that the program targeted INS districts in heavily Democratic Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York City and San Francisco.
More than 180,000 naturalization applications were vetted without proper FBI fingerprint analyses, including 80,000 immigrants who had fingerprint checks that generated criminal records but were naturalized anyway, according to congressional and federal investigators.
The inspector general's report said applicants who were ineligible because of criminal records or because they fraudulently obtained green cards were granted citizenship because the INS was 'moving too fast to check their records.'
According to the inspector general's 684-page report, CUSA failed to address national security concerns, did not develop or coordinate anti-fraud operations, and failed to ensure that foreign nationals seeking naturalization underwent law-enforcement background checks.
The report said it was "widely known" among INS officials in Washington that thousands of foreign nationals with criminal records were allowed to become U.S. citizens. It said INS compromised the integrity of the naturalization system as a result of "its efforts to process applicants more quickly and meet a self-imposed goal of completing more than a million cases by the end of fiscal 1996."
It was estimated at the time that INS failed to complete FBI background checks for nearly 20 percent of those naturalized under CUSA.""