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Friday, October 31, 2008

Redefining "Middle Class" - again

For the third time in 2 weeks reports are coming that Obama's plan to lower taxes is changing the threshold, again. First it was Joe the Plumber and $250,000, then Joe the Biden and $200,000, now it's Bill the Governor and $120,000.

The question to ask yourself: if you're a family of 4 and your joint income is $121,000 or more, do you feel wealthy? I thought not. A prominent spokesman for Obama, Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico, thinks you are, though - he thinks the Obama plan means you're above the middle class and should be subject to increased taxes.

With numbers changing so much in these last few days before the election, it's hard to hit a moving target, and hard to think that we'll get from Obama what he says we'll get. So it comes down not to facts, but to depending on what you choose believe.

But perhaps Obama's tagline is no longer "Change," but now is "Chance."

How Low Can It Go? Richardson Pegs Middle Class as Those Making Under $120,000 - FOXNews.com Elections:
"For the second time in a week, a prominent Democrat has downgraded Barack Obama's definition of the middle class -- leading Republicans to question whether he'll stick to his promise not to raise taxes on anyone making under $250,000.

The latest hiccup in the campaign message came Friday morning on KOA-AM, when New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson pegged the middle class as those making $120,000 and under.

Click here to listen to Richardson talk about Obama's tax plan.

'What Obama wants to do is he is basically looking at $120,000 and under among those that are in the middle class, and there is a tax cut for those,' Richardson said in the interview, according to a clip posted on YouTube."

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