"Earlier this week, when Wurzelbacher got a chance to speak with Obama during a campaign appearance in Toledo, he told Obama that his tax plan would keep him from buying the business that currently employs him."

But the ramifications of Obama's taxes get even worse than a business simply paying higher taxes. Other small business owners doing construction-related trades make considerably more money than the $250K Obama threshold - like $2M plus. And their intent, after an Obama win, will be to lay off all their employees, putting them onto unemployment assistance. Then, the businesses will go underground, rehiring the workers under the table and transacting all business in cash. Seriously, this is the plan of one plumbing business owner - who currently does more than $2M per year in business - who called in to talk radio this afternoon.

It should come as no surprise that this week, he announced that he will be cutting the budget and services because tax revenue is down. Well, duh, this is, once again, Econ 101: if you raise the tax rate, the tax revenue will go down. Always does, because people react to not having enough money.

So the tax situation is once again a mess. Adding it up, when people say an economic depression is possible, believe it. Brought to you by Obama and the Dems.
Just wait for 2009, and this time forget holding onto your wallet, you might have trouble holding onto your job, because it won't be there. Hope that at least the breadlines will.
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