This truly Marxist. These socialist theories identify things such as State Apparatus and Ideological State Apparatus (ISA). Consider political imagery in games - played mostly by impressionable children and young adults - as an extension of the ISA. Don't you recall how the former USSR displayed billboards, posters and pictures everywhere of it's leaders, such as those HUGE posters of Joseph Stalin? Same thing here.
FOXNews.com - Obama Ads Invade Video Games - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News:
"The Barack Obama presidential campaign is EVERYWHERE.
Drivers of high-performance racing cars were a bit surprised over the weekend to spot roadside billboards with the Illinois senator's familiar face on them and the message 'Early Voting Has Begun. VoteForChange.com.'
Not unusual, you say? Well, these were virtual billboards, on imaginary roads, driven by Xbox 360 players in an online version of the popular racing video game 'Burnout Paradise.'
Game maker Electronic Arts confirmed Monday that the Obama campaign ads were the real deal.
'Like most television, radio and print outlets, we accept advertising from credible political candidates,' EA spokeswoman Holly Rockwood told the tech blog GigaOm. 'Like political spots on the television networks, these ads do not reflect the political policies of EA or the opinions of its development teams.'"
1 comment:
Online players of racing game ‘Burnout Paradise’ surprised to see Obama billboards.The ads appear in racing games including Burnout Paradise and NASCAR 09, as well as NHL 09, NBA Live 08, Need For Speed, NFL Tour, and Skate.
messsage marketing
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