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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Well, Then...

Obama wins.

It was interesting to read around the blogosphere how the happy libs were dancing - and rubbing the conservatives face in it. Most telling, I thought, was one person's comment: "Suck it up, hicks!" Very nice. I hope he says that to the next plumber he pays to plunge his toilet.

I am very interested to see what transpires in the Obama administration. I seriously doubt any noticeable change will occur, given that he has already surrounded himself with the "usual suspects." I hope he stays out of trying to "govern" the monetary system. At least Clinton was smart enough to stay away from Wall Street.

My fears involve recollections of "justice" served out by the last Democratic administration: Waco TX, Elian Gonzales, Randy Weaver, Somalia, Lewinsky, failures to act concerning the 1993 WTC bombing and the USS Cole. The first three involved waging war directly on American citizens; the last two led directly to 9/11/2001, allowing Muslim terrorists to get away with it.

We take for granted the safety afforded by the Bush administration, supplanting gratitude with complaints about perceived inhibition of rights. The burden is now on Obama's shoulders, and it will be very interesting to see what changes in that regard, while maintaining the same level of safety for American citizens on American soil.

The most notable thing in this election is proof that racism is functionally dead; one of any race can think whatever he wants, but it's clear that it does not affect the performance of whites.

So let's move America beyond Affirmative Action and get to work.

Change, indeed!

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