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Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Guantanamo Quandry

I was thinking about what do with the Guantanamo prisoners. Quite a conundrum; these were people caught on the battlefield trying to kill Americans with sworn allegiances to Al-Qaeda, who is sworn to eradicate America. They're POWs - sort of. They're terrorists in the war on Terror. We already know that many who have already been released go back to terrorist activities. They can't be released.

Further, Americans on the left are in an uproar over it. They seem to think Guantanamo should be closed entirely. This isn't a far-fetched possibility, either. Obama will probably close Guantanamo immediately after he is sworn in.

But as usual, I have a solution.

The folks on the left are quite adamant that the detainees be released. If you recall, they are also quite adamant that illegal aliens be allowed to live and do their thing in the US. So, why not just pack up Guantanamo and release all the terrorist detainees in San Francisco? Even better, release them in front of the homes of judges who issue orders that they be released. The Ninth Circuit will love that.

I like win-win situations, don't you?

FOXNews.com - Federal Judge Orders Release of 5 Terror Suspects Held at Guantanamo Bay Prison - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News:
"WASHINGTON — A federal judge ordered the release of five Algerian terror suspects held without charges at Guantanamo Bay prison for almost seven years.

In the first civilian court ruling for terror suspects challenging their detention, U.S. District Judge Richard J. Leon said Thursday that the five men could not be held indefinitely as enemy combatants."

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