Health Care Town Halls Turn Violent in Tampa and St. Louis - Political News - FOXNews.com:
"Town hall meetings called to discuss proposed health care legislation turned violent Thursday, with a meeting in Tampa, Fla., descending into shouting and one in St. Louis ending in arrests.
Inside [in Tampa, FL], Democratic lawmakers had a difficult time delivering their opening remarks, as they were met with shouts of "You work for us!'' "Tyranny! tyranny! tyranny!'' and "Read the bill!" the Tampa Tribune reported.As tensions rose further, Rep. Castor was escorted out of the town hall by police after Reed encouraged her to leave.
"They're hiding from their constituents. She works for us and needs to listen,''
- Karen Jaroch, a homemaker and organizer for the 9-12 Project
"We said all along our role was to come and give an update on the bill in Congress. That's what Betty Reed asked us to do ... and that's what we did," Castor's spokeswoman, Ellen Gedalius, was quoted as saying.
Health care opponents said liberal organizers had tried to allow early admission to those who were seen as favorable to legislation making its way through Congress. ""If socialized medicine is best ... why didn't Ted Kennedy go to Canada?"
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