"Obama said the United States spends the most money per person on health care but some measures show the U.S. doesn't rank at the top in terms of outcomes.
'We're not doing better than a lot of other advanced, developed countries that are spending much less per person,' he said."

But then, isn't it logical to spend money on the same old American system that mostly eradicated polio, measles, TB and brought the world penicillin, even though you think it's wretched?
I think it's a good thing to live in the country that spends the most on healthcare. Leave it alone. Those who don't have health insurance still have health care, let's be clear about that. Federal law says it, bubby.
I wish the people could see this for what it is: no crisis of any kind. Care is given to anyone who wants it and appears at the door of any American hospital. What Obama wants is to pigeonhole who will pay for it. So it's maybe an issue regarding accountability for costs related to the sick who get treatment not under insurance; it should fall on the shoulders of the feds because they enacted the laws. Actually, care for the uninsured is eaten by the hospital itself. Which is why hospital costs are high and rising - treating the poor under federal law without reimbursement. Obama seems to want to push that payment off onto the taxpayer or, more recently, onto the buyer (employer or employee) of health insurance. As if they have nothing else to pay for.
But who gains? Not the taxpayer, but actually the hospital - which is why a lot of them support the Democrats in this. Yep, it's always about the money.
In the bargain, Obama has embraced Hilary Clinton's notion: never let a good crisis go unused. Redefining the issue of health care payments for the uninsured as a crisis of the entire health care system is a good way to gain control over it. Convince the bumpkins that everything is a wreck, and then swoop in like the hero and make everything right. And what is created is under the control of our hero. Stalin, eat your heart out. The only problem is that there are 300 million screaming voters out here that need to be controlled, and not a Bolshevik in sight.
Enter Obama... but never, ever forget - it's always about the money.
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