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Friday, April 24, 2009

This is Precisely the Reason for Immigration Standards

You did know that immigrants from Europe were quarantined and given health inspections at Ellis Island, before being allowed to enter the US. As a result, Ellis Island's hospital was the foremost public health hospital in the world.

But of course, those more reasonable days have vanished, replaced by liberal politics.

Deadly new flu strain erupts in Mexico, U.Ss | Reuters:
"MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A strain of flu never seen before has killed up to 60 people in Mexico and has also appeared in the United States, where eight people were infected but recovered, health officials said on Friday.

Mexico's government said at least 20 people have died of the disease in central Mexico and that it may also have been responsible for 40 other deaths.

Mexico reported more than 1,000 suspected cases and four possible cases were also seen in Mexicali, right on the border with California."

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