It's not often I'm duped, but when it happens, I'm proud to admit it.
I'm leaving the article here, so you can see how amped up I got. If it's any consolation, the same article was picked up by several mainstream politicial media outlets, too, including the Wall Street Journal. It was just too possible!.
Thanks for the indulgence.
- hd
How far will Obama go in his control of private industry? Methinks we have the makings of a government-backed "Carrie Nation" type of crusade.

This is what do-gooders always accomplish: unintended consequences.
More to the point, since when does Obama think he knows anything about any kind of private industry? He's on the attack now, axe in hand, against the American auto industry and one of the most popular sports in the world: NASCAR. These actions will not only hurt the consumer, but will likely kill NASCAR (or at least cripple it). Make note Obama: you about to kill an industry unto itself, right now not so much affected by the troubles, which employ thousands upon thousands of everyday people.
So now Obama wants to include NASCAR in the mix of problems. NASCAR's response is limited, but any business will do what it must to survive. Foreign manufacturers have been beating on the door for years to get into NASCAR, and Toyota got in last year. Who will be next? From Car and Driver magazine:
"NASCAR officials remain tight-lipped about the call, but sources say series president Mike Helton and team managers are exploring several options, including other manufacturers to fill Chevrolet and Dodge’s vacated positions. Given the company’s recent interest in motorsport and the steady cash-flow and V-8 engine provided by its new Genesis sedan, sources indicate that NASCAR is pinging Hyundai to gauge the Korean company’s interest in occupying a spot in NASCAR."The net effect will be to expose American car buyers to more foreign products, at a time when attention really needs to be focused on those made by American companies.
Why does Obama think he knows anything about any private business? From these actions, he clearly doesn't.
There is a saying, "Racing improves the breed." This is true. We know, because we now have cars that are more reliable than ever, and need less maintenance than ever. This came from technology developed through decades in racing. For example, my Chevy Monte Carlo doesn't need a spark plug change for 100,000 miles. Was that an arbitrary number that came from the minds of the marketing people at GM? Nope, it came from racing, where spark plugs are subjected to brutal treatment for extended periods of time (like an average speed of 150+ mph, 200+ mph top speeds, 9000+ rpm, and have to do it for over 500 miles in one trip).
Also bear in mind that my Mazda 6 doesn't have the same service interval. Foreign car makers know where the money is: repeat service.
Once again, politicians who know nothing are poking their nose where it doesn't belong.
What should the Dems do? Get control over their supporters related to the car industry. That means, start holding the unions' feet to the fire as well. Lower labor and retirement costs will save the American auto industry, not much else.
Let's be clear : GM, Ford and Chrysler make products that are competitive on the world stage at competitive prices. They do this carrying the albatross of UAW contracts which increase labor costs significantly over their competitors. That means the profit margin is eaten up by the unions and their rank and file, not the corporate bonuses. We may find multi-million dollar bonuses piggishly disgusting, but that's not where the real waste comes from. Overpayment for the same labor used by American auto's competitors is where the greed can be found.
So, Obama, get with it: If you really want efficiency, call in the UAW contracts and tear them up. This would fix the extortion done to American car makers by the UAW rather than removing marketing that has proven useful for decades. And created an industry unto itself (American auto racing), employing tens of thousands and enjoyed by millions. God knows we need some enjoyment right now.
Too bad I don't need a car. I'd buy a Chevy Malibu today, but not because of Obama; because of the crap being done to them by our government. Not to mention, have you seen one? beautiful car, listed No 1 in the ten best cars made today.
Obama Orders Chevrolet and Dodge Out Of NASCAR - Car News | Automotive News Blog at CARandDRIVER.com - Car News Resource: "In a move sure to spark outrage, the White House announced today that GM and Chrysler must cease participation in NASCAR at the end of the 2009 season if they hope to receive any additional financial aid from the government. Companies around the globe—Honda and Audi, to name two—have drawn down racing operations, and NASCAR itself has already felt the pinch in the form of reduced team spending. A complete withdrawal from America’s premier racing series is expected to save more than $250 million between GM and Chrysler, a substantial amount considering the drastic measures being implemented elsewhere."
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