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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Makes me Proud to be American

First off, many, many kudos to Capt. Philips and his crew, and especially to the officers, men and SEALs on the USS Bainbridge.

On the high seas, every time we tolerated crap, we got it back in spades. Can you say, "USS Cole?" This time, our citizens behaved like Americans when threatened, and look at the outcome. Outstanding!

Now we need to extend this treatment to the rest of the pirates.

May I remind you that Somalia was Clinton's "nation-building" experiment?

Navy Made Split-Second Decision to Open Fire in Captain Rescue :
"MOMBASA, Kenya — U.S. Navy snipers opened fire and killed three pirates holding an American captain at gunpoint, delivering the skipper unharmed and ending a five-day high-seas hostage drama on Easter Sunday.

The pirates were pointing AK-47s at Capt. Richard Phillips and he was in 'imminent danger' of being killed when the commander of the nearby USS Bainbridge made the split-second decision to order his men to shoot, Vice Adm. Bill Gortney said."

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