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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Maryland Power Generation and the Politics of Construction

From the Logic Department:
If BGE raises it's rates and blames it on market forces, that market driven by supply and demand, then why doesn't the State of Maryland build its own power-generating plants? That would increase the supply, create competition for BGE, and lower prices.

It seems to me that if the taxpayers can foot the bill for TWO multi-million dollar stadiums, neither of which pay for themselves and go completely unused for much of the year, then we can afford to pay for power plants. At least we'll get a return on our tax dollar.

Of course, if we learn anything from history, the Democratic Legislature will have its usual way, giving those plants away to BGE, who will then ship the power generated off to other states, with taxpayers getting no benefit and stuck with the bill. As usual.

Oh well, just an idea....

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