Why don't we all send them a calculator. Using such, they can multiply the number of people on unemployment - said to be less than 5 million by Labor Department stats - by a suggested salary of $30,000. The resulting number? $150B . That's what it would take to get every American off the unemployment roles for 1 year. Be sure to send instructions with the calculator.
What does that do? In addition to employing people, it gets something back for the money. It increases income tax revenues, gives people a sense of pride in doing work, and most importantly will start to free up the giant money held by American banks, because there's future income for people that can be seen, which means collateral and security. The only downside: this is a giant step toward socialism. But we'll have to deal with that after the economy straightens out.
I really don't understand the efforts of congress. They say they're trying to create jobs, yet they refuse to do it in a direct manner. At the same time they make these claims, Obama is also arguing for more "public service." Why not use this newly-printed money to hire the unemployed to do these jobs Obama wants for free?
I'll give an example: Baltimore is populated with people of the most filthy kind. There are entire lots in the city that are piled with trash. Breeding grounds for rats, and also human despair (how can one feel good when he has to navigate - pardon my French - shit near his home every day?). The city workers can't keep up with cleaning them. Not that the residents would do that themselves; Oh, no, the lazy !@#$%'ers. So if the US Government hired crews to do this work and sent them in, we'd have clean neighborhoods, employed people, fewer rats, and possible people taking pride in their neighborhood. Less crime, too? Let's not get crazy with this.
Anyway, I urge all of you out there to write your Senators and tell them that 1) 888 Billion dollars is too much, and 2) you demand more direct action, rather than doling out billions of dollars, which can never be monitored due to its size, to other groups who will be unaccountable for the money.
In other words, demand better from your government.
Unemployment report: Number of Americans receiving unemployment benefits has reached an all-time record. -- baltimoresun.com:
"The Labor Department reported that the number of Americans continuing to claim unemployment insurance for the week ending Jan. 17 was a seasonally adjusted 4.78 million, the highest on records dating back to 1967. That's an increase of 159,000 from the previous week and worse than economists' expectations of 4.65 million."
Hey bro, nice write up.
Here's another one. Maybe they could buy some trucks and put these unemployed workers in them for plowing my frickin' street when it snows. I'm 4 houses over the AACo line in Baltimore City. I've been there 4 1/2 yrs. Never seen a plow truck. It took the utilities 4 weeks for repair and broken power line from one of the storms we had. And they wonder WHY I won't pay my taxes to the state. Because the State has done, Shit for me. Other than take money and let idiots like Shelia Dixon get fur coats out of it.
Here's another question I've wonder, since I'm on an adjustable mortgage. Why when it went up a year ago, why it didn't go back down with all the interest rate drops? If they did that to all of us bad loan idiots, how many houses you think they could save from foreclosure?
Absolutely right, and sorry for your troubles with the government.
My rule of thumb for good government: how long does it take for them to fix a pothole (in your case, plow your street) in front of your house?
Sux, no question.
My advice: start writing to your representative, the local ones on the county council. You'll be surprised how well this works, and the responses you'll get from county government.
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