I normally find conservatives to make more compelling arguments than other folk, having logic at the core of their opinions. However, actors in particular, no matter their political bent, have a seemingly impossible time enunciating what they have on that day, much less putting forth a reasoned opinion on a complicated political topic.
Bo Derek, God Bless her heart (and other parts), has her head in the right place when she tries to talk conservative politics. But please don't; no one knows what the hell she's saying.
Liberal or conservative, it's all bad for an actor to take a political stand. I want my actors to remain transparent, so I can enjoy them in their roles. I used to like Tim Robbins; I thought he was a great actor. Now, all I can think of when I see him is the liberal nonsense he spews. His political rants are so disjointed it's as if he's retarded. Now, if he's in a movie, I automatically think it must be liberal.
What does that mean about a movie - "liberal?" It means it has a viewpoint, and it's going to try to make me think a certain way about a topic. When all I wanted to see is a good story, told well.
The problem with Robbins resonates with his squeeze, Susan Sarandon, as well as the ilk of Sean Penn, and the Goof-of-the-Decade Ed Asner, or any of a litany of really remarkable actors. I can't watch any of them in a fictional role anymore; I keep waiting for them to go off on a liberal monologue.
Why? Because they've fouled up something critical to movies working at all: they've ruined the audience's ability to suspend disbelief. Their real personalities transcend anything they could do as actors, and make it impossible for them to overcome themselves.
Not being able to realize this brings us back to the notion that actors are retarded... no, wait, that's unkind to those who actually are mentally handicapped. Actors are people with no apparent handicap yet they still act that way. Sheesh, what a stupid group of whining rich people...
So, Hollywood, have your political views, but please keep them to yourself - for the sake of the "art" that you claim you make.
FOXNews.com - Hollywood Conservatives Encouraged to Come Out of the Closet - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment:
"After years of silence, conservatives are coming out of the closet.
Andrew Breitbart, the conservative founder of Breitbart.com and author of 'Hollywood Interrupted: Insanity Chic in Babylon,' is launching a Web site he hopes will help challenge the status quo in what he believes has been a one-party, left-tilting town. Set to debut on Jan. 6, 'Big Hollywood' will be a place where center, right and libertarian-leaning celebrities and industry-insiders can weigh in on Hollywood politics, offer film, television and movie reviews, and have an open forum for political discussion.
'Our goal,' says Breitbart, who lives in Los Angeles, 'is to create an atmosphere of tolerance — something that does not exist in this town.'
"...They say liberal celebrities still have an easier time "being political" than conservatives do."Sean Penn is out dancing with dictators, and no one gives him flak. Instead they give him Oscar nominations," says Klavan. "Jon Voight may have some semblance of job security, but he still has to be careful about what he says."
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