Write your Congressmen

Friday, March 21, 2008

Logic: Blacks and Church and Public Office

Black opinion leaders defend the racist hate speech espoused in black churches across the country as simply being a natural part and history of the black church.

If we are to believe that speech such as that by Rev. Jeremiah Wright, which defiles America in general and whites in particular, and revels in the deaths of white Americans (he thought that the September 11 attacks were understandable), and that this sppech is endemic, usual, and a necessary part of the "black church experience," then how can we expect to produce from them anything other than a racist.

And if most blacks attend these churches at some time in their lives, then aren't most blacks taught that hatred of whites and racism against whites is not only condoned by their subculture, but called-for by God?

And if hatred of whites is condoned and God-approved in such a manner, doesn't that poison the mind of the congregant such that he cannot view things objectively?

And if one cannot view things objectively, actually despising an entire group of people for their skin color, doesn't that mean that person cannot represent the interests of all the people, but rather only the interests of the subculture which produced him?

And if this is the case, doesn't it easily follow that such a background should be automatic disqualification for consideration in public office, certainly for President of the United States?

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