Blacks have an easier row to hoe in American Politics. Case in point: Obama attends a church for over 20 years where there is speech hating whites loudly professed from the pulpit, cheered on by the congregants. We are told that this is just endemic to the core of "black church," and therefore it's OK.
Any white Senator attending any organization even remotely approaching what happens in Obama's church would not just lose votes. but would be asked to resign from the Senate.
So where's the parity? Where are the rules the same?
Excerpts from a Reuters article are below. Full article can be read online by clicking the link below, or by clicking the picture to the left. Decide for yourself.
Views of Obama's pastor reflect black U.S. tradition | Reuters:
"Clips from sermons by Wright, pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, have been repeated on television and widely viewed on the Internet and show Wright's vehement denunciations of U.S. policy and history over race.
In one sermon he uses the phrase: 'God damn America,' anathema to many in an intensely patriotic nation. The impact of his words is magnified by his raised voice and the grainy quality of much of the video.
Obama, an Illinois senator, attended Wright's church for two decades. His association with the pastor poses a problem because it casts doubt on his judgment, raises questions about his patriotism and undermines his reputation for honesty, according to commentators.
It also strikes at one of his core themes, allowing voters to ask how Obama could be a candidate of racial healing and unity when for two decades he was deeply involved with a preacher whose views appear to contradict that message."

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