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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A New Model for the Presidency

Sick of Politicians? Me too. So how can we get a leader into Washington that's actually responsive to the people? A root alteration in how we select our President is called for. Hang on...

Instead of voting for a President, the people select an administrator. This person is selected based on his abilities to effect policies that will guarantee an outcome. But what outcome? Right now, we depend on politicians to not only conduct the People's business but to decide what that business actually is. The latter is where they always fail, and is part of the reason I detest them so much - they're out of touch and have no idea what's needed.

So, in the same spirit as the line-item veto, the people choose the issues, their priority, and what outcome we want. The 'how" is the job of the Presidential Administrator.

So, for example, if we were to go through the laundry lists of each candidate's platform, and select the best approach to each problem, we'd probably come with pretty good solutions. The Presidential administrator is then handed this prioritized list of problems and desired outcomes, which he is to solve within 4 years time.

But whom do we select? I propose we get away from the idea of people running for election entirely. Selection is based on a system of draft of business leaders. They're not allowed to campaign, and they can only refuse if there is some dire personal need. Their payment is based on a percentage of the Gross National Product after the 4 year term is up. Yes, that could be a huge salary.

And since Americans have less and less interest in things of meaning, we could hire out the project to one of the media networks, with the whole election taking on the flavor of a game show. It's a circus, for sure, but certainly no more so than it is now, and at least we'd guarantee more than 30% interest in the election.

So what do you think? Calling me nuts is not allowed; that's self-evident.

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