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Sunday, January 19, 2014

What is President O?

Serendipity: I was just saying the other day about Obama, that he is not a true American.  He isn't an American patriot; he just doesn't behave like an American.  Americans believe in freedom and the rights of the individual, and despite Obama's claims of being a US Constitutional professor (adjunct instructor of a single course is more like it) , his policies and actions are so far removed from anything that is historically "American" as to be head-scratching.

This all makes sense when one puts together that Pres O, despite being born within the US, was raised outside of these shores. Further, he sought out and made associations with people who were far outside the American norm.  Bill Ayers (who for the life of me I cannot figure out why is not behind bars for attempted murder in the Weather Underground bombings), and Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright.  It shows. He behaves like, at best, a  foreigner, and at worst, a traitor. If you've ever been overseas, you know what I mean; foreigners just don't understand us.  Their experiences are all about dealing with the government on an intimate level, and this includes the so-called more "enlightened" governments of western Europe. Americans want as little to do with government as possible.

If one takes a broad view of Obama's policies rather than looking at them piecemeal, one can surmise that he's trying to undermine the American Way, and he's doing it in the manner that clever Asians would do.  Which makes sense, since he was raised in Asia. He's undermining the American economy using the economy itself to do it - kind of an economic jiu-jitsu, where the power of one is used against him. How best to kill an economic system based on credit and trust than to trust an enemy with your own insurmountable debt?

I'm not sure how to sum this all up.  I usually like to offer a solution at this point, but the only one I can think of is to remove O from office.  But whoever thinks that will happen is buying swampland in Florida as we speak. Feel free to offer suggestions of a non-violent nature. But it's clear we need some form of revolution. More on that in a later installment...

Edward Said: The ‘Founding Father’ Who May Explain Obama’s Benghazi Errors | Video | TheBlaze.com

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