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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Common Sense

Occupy Protests Plagued By Reports Of Sex Attacks, Violent Crime | Fox News

As much as I despise the nonsense flowing from this "protest," I find there is valuable information to be had from it that we can all use. All of it ironic.

You've no doubt heard the ironies about how the Occupiers want to bring down big business, yet they use their products every moment. But there's much more.

The most important irony is the personal culture created within the camps themselves. Most of the Occupiers are some flavor or degree of anarchist, therefore it stands to reason that the camps themselves are without law or regulation. And without any such structure, reports are seeping out of violent attacks, much of it sexual in nature. Rapes seem to be happening more and more often, so much of a problem that the Occupiers have set up a separate area that are "women only." So much for a government-less society.

I am reminded of John Locke and his book Common Sense from the days before America's independence. Locke said that without adequate government "life would be nasty, brutish, and short." The Occupiers are proving that Locke had, indeed, common sense.

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