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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Senate gives initial approval to in-state tuition for illegal immigrants - Baltimore Sun

How does one reconcile the need for documentation for one class who is in legal compliance with the law, when it is not needed for another who is breaking the law? Will MD citizens lose their place in MD-supported colleges if they don't have the proper documentation - such as a birth certificate? You bet they will. This is not fair, and places undue burdens on legal citizens.

It creates an unlevel playing field for college entry, with legal citizens at a disadvantage.

The MD legislature is requiring Maryland citizens to pay for things they do not support. And I can't for the life of me understand why politicians go down this road, especially at time of such bad financial crisis.

It's just not fair.

Senate gives initial approval to in-state tuition for illegal immigrants - Baltimore Sun: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

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