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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The American Labor Movement as Extortionist

This picture sums up what has become of American labor unions: People have no right to work, unless it's with the approval of a labor union. Here in Maryland, and across the country, laws were enacted that required unions be paid by the individual employee regardless of whether he was a member or not; the reasoning was that he would be the beneficiary of collective bargaining no matter what, therefore he should pay. But isn't that tantamount to extortion - pay me or you can't work?

It seems the unions have truly come full circle. This is how mobs and gangs operated in large cities in the 19th century. Even the film, On the Waterfront, illustrated the control unions exert.  Governments and laws, however, were supposed to counter that kind of blackmail.  Now governments condone it, have even become the unions' enforcer. In the 21st century, Americans have no right to work with themselves as their sole representation.

No wonder American businesses look overseas for jobs.

Amid Union Protests, More Democrats Go On the Lam -- This Time in Indiana - FoxNews.com: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

even better, do a youtube search on Trumka progressive. The head of the AFL-CIO says it's not about wages, but about social change. swear to God, right out of his mouth.