Write your Congressmen

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

When Judgement is Missing

There are so many things to say about Obama's pick for the new commerce secretary; just a couple of easy ones since I haven't had coffee yet:
  • Obama chose one of the ilk that they seem to hate - executives who make millions and billions while driving their companies into the ground, requiring taxpayer-funded bailouts. Didn't the white house complain about these execs getting the golden parachutes even when they don't perform?
  • Someone from the banking industry that's in part responsible for the economic mess we all are bearing right now.
  • More Chicago politics in and around the White House. It didn't work in the first 2 years, why should it work now?
  • All of it resurrects the notion that Obama doesn't have the experience and in particular, the judgment, to be President.

So there, my quick thought of the day.

Source: Obama May Tap Daley for Top Job - FoxNews.com: "Daley, an executive at JPMorgan Chase, has extensive private sector experience, an attractive profile for a White House trying to counter the notion that the president is antibusiness. Obama aides have been discussing naming an executive to a top job as a way to give the business community more of a voice in the administration.

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