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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Am I crazy? - Insider Probe Focuses on Supply-Chain Data

I swear I'm not going rogue. I mean, I'm not developing schizophrenic scenarios where the government in black helicopters are coming after us. My aluminum beanie remains on the shelf.

However, I'm left to wonder about this: I'm wondering if this isn't one of Obama's socialist attacks on capitalism? The thing that is stuck in my craw is how the left is committed to change from within; change that involves drastic measures, and change that is so dramatic as be called a revolution. Obama has tried it several times in the 2 years he's been president (Health care debacle, anyone?), and I'm just wondering if this isn't one more onslaught.

Insider Probe Focuses on Supply-Chain Data - WSJ.com:
"Wall Street analysts have been left bewildered in recent days, as federal prosecutors begin to home in on insider-trading cases that appear to involve routinely published information about public-company supply chains.

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