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Friday, March 26, 2010

China issues media rules for stories on Google

This is the kind of thing that makes me long for the old days - when we stood up for and only did business with entities supportive of American ideals. To wit, why are we sending billions upon billions of dollars to China in trade when this is how China treats their people? It's not only disgraceful of China to do this, but extra disgraceful of us here in America to enrichen them with huge business contracts. But not so for Google.

Having gotten a taste of China's information policies firsthand, Google pulled the plug.  Mucho kudos to them; Now, there's an American international company  that behaves as it should.

Google is in the minority. Despite China's distasteful practices regarding individual freedom, business is booming. I recently needed to make a purchase of an audio mixing console. I decided to "buy American,"or at least European, and was sad to discover that all of the companies who have manufactured in western countries for the last few decades have moved all of their manufacturing operations to China. This includes venerable American companies such as Peavey, located in Meridian Mississippi, but also sound equipment staples such as Soundcraft in the UK.

The companies hide behind the "realities of modern business" (one company posted that on their web site), but even so, do the realities of business trump the broader economic values of supporting the home economy? Only to the short-sighted.

More on this, including a solution, in an upcoming rant.

China issues media rules for stories on Google | Relevant Results - CNET News
The list of instructions, obtained by China Digital Times and published by The Washington Post, underscores the degree to which the Chinese government attempts to control the spread of information more than anything Google has ever said about search censorship. The list contains specific details on which types of stories can be published and asks media outlets in China to purge reader discussions from their pages that attack the government's view.

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