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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Is this a Joke?

The Dems with Obama at the helm are intrinsically responsible for the debt being so huge. Now they want to lower it?

Further, Romer is an absolute moron; that she was a professor of economics (albeit in the near-bankrupt California) is breathtaking. She needs to get out of the real world, where intellectual exercises do not work. Back to academia with you, Nessie, where your idiocy is encouraged and your damage is limited to textbooks written for intelligentsia and unread by your pot-smoking students. Outside of the ivory towers, it's clear the only other place Romer could make it would be in politics.

W.H., Dems sound alarm on budget deficit - Washington Times:
"A speech last week by Christina D. Romer, chairman of the president's Council of Economic Advisers, looked at the reasons for the deficit and at how it relates to health care reform. Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner appeared on NBC's 'Meet the Press' on Sunday to make clear that the administration recognizes the deficit is growing too large.

'Well, it's going to have to come down. Now it's too high, and I think everybody understands this,' Mr. Geithner said. 'The president's very committed to bring down these deficits.'"

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