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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Race and Hypocrisy

Liberals are all atwitter over a doctored image (left) of Michelle Obama looking like a monkey which appeared in a Google search.

Racist image tops Google search results for Michelle Obama:
"The top-ranked result for U.S. first lady Michelle Obama on Google's image search engine is a racist caricature that depicted her with the face of a chimpanzee, just below a link to a suggested Google search for the terms 'Michelle Obama Monkey.'"

But is/was there any uproar when the pictures below were published? Not a chance.  Liberal blacks remain the protected species in America. 

'Black spinster' label pinned on Condi Rice

"A cartoon last week in the PA controlled Al Quds depicted Rice pregnant with a monkey. A caption read, "Rice speaks about birth of new Middle East.""

Then the libs made a monkey out of Bush:

Of course, this is my favorite Michelle Obama picture:

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Can a President be Impeached for Bankrupting the Country?

Thos eof you who voted for him, enjoy the ride. While the wheels are still on. God knows your kids won't like it; they have to pay for it.

Obama Shatters Spending Record for First-Year Presidents - FOXNews.com:
"President Obama has shattered the budget record for first-year presidents -- spending nearly double what his predecessor did when he came into office and far exceeding the first-year tabs for any other U.S. president in history.

In fiscal 2009 the federal government spent $3.52 trillion -- $2.8 trillion in 2000 dollars, which sets a benchmark for comparison. That fiscal year covered the last three-and-a-half months of George W. Bush's term and the first eight-and-a-half months of Obama's.

That price tag came with a $1.4 trillion deficit, nearly $1 trillion more than last year. The overall budget was about a half-trillion more than Bush's for 2008, his final full fiscal year in office."

Monday, November 16, 2009

Obama using Marxist Revolutionary Imagry

Not new, but interesting.

Obama using Marxist Revolutionary Imagry

Girls, get Ready for Obamacare: Mammograms at 50, Not 40

The left criticizes the right for things costing so much. But in an effort to reduce costs, are more cases of breast cancer OK?

In Reversal, U.S. Guidelines Urge Mammograms at 50, Not 40 - NYTimes.com:
"Just seven years ago, the same group, the United States Preventive Services Task Force, with different members, recommended that women have mammograms every one to two years starting at age 40. It found too little evidence to take a stand on breast self-examinations.

The group’s new guidelines, which are different from those of some professional and advocacy organizations, are published online in The Annals of Internal Medicine They are likely to touch off yet another round of controversy over the benefits of screening for breast cancer."

Friday, November 13, 2009

Ken Klukowski: Former ACORN fund raiser gets Obama judicial nomination. Yes, you read that right | Washington Examiner

Ken Klukowski: Former ACORN fund raiser gets Obama judicial nomination. Yes, you read that right | Washington Examiner: "President Obama's first federal court nominee was Judge David Hamilton of Indiana. If you are drinking your morning coffee as you read what follows here, you might want to put down your cup before reading further:

Among Hamilton's 'qualifications' is the fact that he is a former fund raiser for ACORN. That fact was conspicuously left out of the White House statement announcing Obama's nomination of the federal district judge for a position on the Seventh Circuit federal appeals court.

Even though it was only for a month, the fact Hamilton would work for any length of time for ACORN is disturbing. And there is no evidence that he has ever subsequently reputiadated his association with ACORN.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has scheduled a Senate confirmation vote on Hamilton's nomination for Tuesday, Nov. 17.

As the American Civil Rights Union's Ken Klukowski details in an oped posted earlier this morning here on washingtonexaminer.com, Hamilton is an ACLU big-wig who also has a deeply hypocritical view of Christianity:
'He has also shown surprising hostility to people of Christian faith. He ruled that any prayers uttered in the Indiana statehouse that invoke the name of Jesus Christ are unconstitutional and cannot be permitted.

'Nor can anyone offer a prayer that is 'sectarian' or 'pervasively Christian.' Oddly, although prayers mentioning Jesus are somehow a threat to the republic, Judge Hamilton said that it’s okay to offer prayers to Allah.'

Hamilton's various rulings are a good illustration of why so many social conservatives view attempts by the ACLU and other liberals to ban all expressions of Christian faith from the public square to be supremely bigoted and patently unconstitutional violations of the First Amendment's guarantee of religious freedom."

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Reid Considers Payroll Tax Hike for Health Care - FOXNews.com

Reid Considers Payroll Tax Hike for Health Care - FOXNews.com:
"It was not known how large an increase Reid, D-Nev., was considering, or whether it would also apply to a company's portion of the tax."

Thursday, November 5, 2009

'V' recap: Does Obama Come in Peace?

Many of you probably missed the series opener for ABC's science-fiction drama, V. Well it turns out that the "Visitors," (the fist letter of which is what the V means) are promising, among other things, universal health care. They're also controlling the media. They've also duped the entire population of the Earth with their charismatic leader. Sound familiar?

The internet is somewhat atwitter over the allegory to Obama, with the liberals having a near-hemorrhage over it.An excerpt from the article:

Our own real-world jitters about the authenticity and ambition of brazenly bold do-gooding leaders are reflected in the show. Can we really trust the charismatic crusader with the crackerjack plan for the future? What's the secret pricetag on a Brave New World? How can we be certain this new administration won't lead us into a new kind of ruin, let alone turn us all into sex slaves servicing the pervy desires of an evil megalomaniac who resembles the hot high class shuttle whore on Firefly? Because ladies and gentlemen, I do worry about that. Every. Single. Minute.

What fun Sci-Fi is, when it resonates with reality. Here is but one comment:

'V' recap: Do they come in peace? | TV Recap | EW.com:

"JSWed 11/4/09 03:34 PM

I agree with all of you who are pointing out the oversensitivity of Obama supporters to anything remotely negative, but keep in mind a fundamental plotline in the original V was how easy it is to fall into the follower role to someone who looks good and says all the right things, even if they are not acting in our best interests. The fact it happens to also apply to our current administration is just one more reason this show will resonate today."

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Is this a Joke?

The Dems with Obama at the helm are intrinsically responsible for the debt being so huge. Now they want to lower it?

Further, Romer is an absolute moron; that she was a professor of economics (albeit in the near-bankrupt California) is breathtaking. She needs to get out of the real world, where intellectual exercises do not work. Back to academia with you, Nessie, where your idiocy is encouraged and your damage is limited to textbooks written for intelligentsia and unread by your pot-smoking students. Outside of the ivory towers, it's clear the only other place Romer could make it would be in politics.

W.H., Dems sound alarm on budget deficit - Washington Times:
"A speech last week by Christina D. Romer, chairman of the president's Council of Economic Advisers, looked at the reasons for the deficit and at how it relates to health care reform. Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner appeared on NBC's 'Meet the Press' on Sunday to make clear that the administration recognizes the deficit is growing too large.

'Well, it's going to have to come down. Now it's too high, and I think everybody understands this,' Mr. Geithner said. 'The president's very committed to bring down these deficits.'"

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Purpose of a 1990 Page Bill

One thousand, nine-hundred, ninety pages. Almost two thousand pages of legislation. That most people don't want.

What they don't tell you is that it's still not done.  There's still the "Manger's Amendment."

In Congress, the manager’s amendment is a final package of alterations made to a bill, right before it hits the House floor. It’s a series of tweaks and additions, designed to prep the bill for debate. The manager’s amendment usually fixes problem areas. But it’s also crafted in such a way to court the support of lawmakers who are skeptical about the legislation. This is called the Goldilocks Effect. Making sure the bill isn’t too hot or too cold. But just right.

...“There’s only one purpose for a thousand page bill,” said. Rep. GT Thompson (R-PA) last Wednesday. “And that’s to hide stuff.”

So Republicans grew increasingly concerned about the contents of the manager’s amendment the pending health care bill.

“To try to figure out what they take out…what they put in…it becomes a puzzle of such complexity that nobody will know what’s going on,” said Rep. Roy Blunt (R-MO). “Which may be exactly what the majority wants to have happen.”

In a statement after the meeting, Congressional Black Caucus Chairwoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) proclaimed that “there is still work to do.” Lee added she would “work with my colleagues to ensure that the final package has the strongest public option.”