Honestly, If I were the "courageous journalist" that all in the media think they are, irrespective of what political side I was on I'd not only be concerned, I'd be pissed.
After the election, with Obama winning, the proper thing is to move toward governance for all Americans. That means a transcendence of party politics. But Obama didn't do this, rather he continued a campaign of demonizing enemies. Now certain elements of the press are considered enemies. Can anyone remember when Richard Nixon did this?
To think that the government can control the "Fourth Estate;" if anything is un-American, this is it. Think I'm out of my tree? Here's what WikiPedia has to say about Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Minister of propaganda:
He exerted totalitarian control over the media, arts, and information in Germany. In that position, he perfected an understanding of the "Big Lie" technique of propaganda, which is based on the principle that a lie, if audacious enough and repeated enough times, will be believed by the masses.
How about that for history repeating itself?
Obama Compares Fox News to Talk Radio, Says He's Not 'Losing Sleep' Over Controversy - Political News - FOXNews.com:
"Several top White House advisers have gone on other channels to criticize Fox News' coverage of the administration, dismiss the network as the mouthpiece of the Republican Party and urge other news organizations not to treat Fox News as a legitimate news station.
And on Tuesday, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said White House officials 'render (that) opinion based on some their coverage and the fairness of that coverage.'"
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