Write your Congressmen

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

An Open letter to Congress on Health Care

Dear Congress,

I am very concerned about what the Democrats are forcing on America in the guise of health care "reform."

You are creating a problem where there is none, all so you, as a Democrat, can claim a sweeping change in American culture. This is not right. Changes in culture come in a slow process over time, brought about by the people who form that culture. Changes as large as health care should never come in a rush. Especially, they should never come in the form of legislation (meaning that's it's forced on the majority, who are unwilling).

Congress never takes a direct approach to anything, making me wonder what is being hidden? I recommend a direct approach in the case of health care for the poor, leaving the rest alone. If you think there are people who are not covered by health care now (and I disagree with that), then appropriate the money to pay for their health care and be done with it. Here are some ideas for health care so that you leave working people alone:

1. A simple suggestion is to just pay for the currently uninsured to be members in a low-cost HMO. Commercial HMOs can even bid on the service to the poor through a government contract. I really can't for the life of me understand why Congress doesn't simply do this.
2. A much larger idea is for the US Public Health Service to provide care for the uninsured. The PHS used to be much larger than it is now, and could easily be expanded using the VA as a model. Very expensive, but if you want a sweeping change, there it is.
3. Provide care for the indigent at VA hospitals. What's good for our vets is certainly good for the poor.
4. Give the uninsured the exact same insurance given to Congress.

It is clear that what Congress is doing is upsetting every American in the name of Democratic party progress, and control over the American health care system. I resent this. Government is not capable of running anything, and you know it. What the Democratic party is actually doing is ruining the American health care system, even for those coming from overseas to use it.

Don't ruin the best in the world!


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