"'Her word choice in 2001 was poor,' spokesman Robert Gibbs said, seeking to settle what has become an early stumbling point for President Obama's nominee as she prepares for her Senate confirmation battle.
'I think she would change that word,' Mr. Gibbs said, adding that he based his comment on 'discussions with people that have talked to her.'"
Well, let's see. First, Word choice is a major thing for all lawyers, but especially for judges who make rulings in important cases. This is especially important for a US Supreme Court justice, whose words could be used to affect legal precedent for generations.
Bottom line, Gibbs has no idea what's in Sotomayer's head, so he has no idea whether she would change her expression or not. But I wonder if her altered word choice would be, "White men suck. Hispanics, females in particular, should rule the world."
I believe she sad exactly what she meant. However, if we are to parse every syllable from a judge in order to tease out their exact meaning (that's what they do to the Constitution, after all), then maybe she meant whatever fantasy any of us want to hear.
Taking her comment at face value, the truth of the matter is that Hispanic females DID rule the world at one point. Every elementary school student learns that Queen Isabella, of Spain, was largely responsible for financing the discovery of the new world, that being America. Then Spain had an inquisition, killed off all its best thinkers, and quickly went to pot. From Wikipedia:
As a key character in completing the Reconquista, establishing the Spanish Inquisition, sponsoring Christopher Columbus' voyages that led to the discovery of America, laying the foundations of modern Spain and the Spanish Empire, she is considered one of the most important sovereigns in world history.Later, Spain mismanaged its empire (which included most of central and south America, and a large part of North America including Florida), and lost it either through bad deals or allowing it to be taken from them.
So, let's ask Sotomeyer to renew her interest in history before she implies white guys suck and Hispanic chicks are "better."
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