"“This body of 30 individuals has decided that they’re going to substitute their judgment for 600,000 voters — now that’s what I call democracy,” Clinton adviser and committee member Harold Ickes said in the closing moments of debate, saying the Michigan plan would be “hijacking” delegates from Clinton."
Donna Brazile made lengthy comment about having to "play by the rules," in her argument that none of the delegates should be seated. But where would she, a black woman, be had the suffragettes and later, Martin Luther King, Jr., played "by the rules?" Her diatribe on obedience was so forceful that it raised the question: do rules trump the will of the people? Considering the laws and ideology crafted by the Democrats (the gay marriage issue comes to mind), I think it's a safe bet they think so. Brazile went on to discuss rules-as-fair play, apparently unaware that what she was arguing was the most unfair outcome of all. An observer might see this as hypocrisy, but I really think it's just blind stupidity; I don't think she is capable of seeing the contradiction - and irony.
A bright spot was contributed by one delegate, visibly concerned about the integrity of their respect for the will of the people, who thought that if the committee could reassign votes as they were, that the 2012 primary should be cancelled, because they could just choose thier candidate right there. That was a good argument which I wrongly thought indicated hope, because it ultimately fell on deaf (and stupid) ears.
The truth is that all the candidates did in fact play by the rules, the voters played by the rules, and now the DNC - the outfit who made the rules - was trying to parse those rules in an effort to validate the theft of several hundred thousand votes on behalf of their Annointed One, Barack Obama.
They did it, too. The uncommitted votes in MI's primary were awarded to Obama, who had removed his name from that primary before it was held. That's right, in MI, Obama's name had been on the ballot, but he removed it. Consequently, no one actually cast a vote for Obama, yet he was getting a goodly chunk of delegates anyway. So it seems MI Democratic voters who might have been trying to make a statement in voting "uncommited," now find themselves committed to Obama. Wow, that should be illegal. [sic] So, because The Golden Child chose to not play in that sandbox by taking his name from the ballot, he wins in the long run. What was supposed to be "Too bad, Barack, ' turned into "Too bad, voters." Brought to you by the conveniently shifting sands that are the DNC.
In the end, it was really a mess, and the only thing missing were Larry, Moe and Curly. Still, you gotta hand it to the DNC - they can be pretty damned creative when it comes to corrupting what is supposed to be a moral and lawful process.
The Dems have been coming apart for a long time, but never so apparently as in this televised circus. Almost to a man, the DNC's top levels are too ignorant of history; too stupid to suspect what they don't know, too dogmatic in their self-righteousness to consider another's ideas, too corrupt to respect the will of their contituents. Hopefully this public display will motivate rank and file Democrats - good people, overall, but represented by shitheads - to end it for good, and another party will emerge with some good ideas on which they can act.
God help us all, what a mess.
DNC Panel Approves Delegate Deal on Michigan and Florida Primaries, Despite Objections - America’s Election HQ:
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