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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Woman sues FDA for right to not use a penis

So help me, if I could move to another planet, I would.  Here we have a lesbian who wants to become pregnant, but doesn't want to have sex in order to do it. And therefore there is ensuing idiocy involving the government, and her "right" to be inseminated by whomever she wants. Just not using a penis. 

Woman sues FDA for right to select sperm donor, bypass sperm bank | Fox News

Monday, June 25, 2012

Feds suspend immigration enforcement program after Arizona court ruling | Fox News

And now, it's a free-for-all. The US federal government, with support from the Supreme Court, is officially refusing to do its job. Arizona: you would be justified in secession from the USA. 

Feds suspend immigration enforcement program after Arizona court ruling | Fox News

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Mexican government

The Mexican government is so bad that it can't figure out ways to attract business that will keep it's people working. Mexican people then emigrate illegally to the US, where the people and the US government have created an environment where there is honest work.  But the emigrees keep their Mexican loyalties;  they and people on the American political left deride the US for wanting to keep American people working and avoid all the problems that caused illegal immigration in Mexico in the first place. Makes no sense.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Wealth and the Left

I was thinking the other day about how millionaires make their money, and about left-wing protesters who object to it.

We've heard a lot about Occupy - they object to folks on Wall Street making what they consider "obscene" amounts of money. Wage protesters also complain about folks in industries such as manufacturing and pharma as making too much money. Other millionaires seem to have escaped their scrutiny - billionaires such as George Soros, and that bastion of the left: Hollywood.

It's pretty clear that the protests are a political left versus right kinda thing.  However, there are so many problems with all of this.  For example, the Wall Streeters - who by the way need no sympathy from anyone - make their money by assisting others in making their own wealth.  It's how Wall Street works. The industrialists make their money in 2 ways: first they do it by creating a product, and then hiring others to make that product. Then they do the the same thing as the Wall Streeters - they help investors in their company attain wealth. The Pharma companies not only manufacture drugs, but they also create new ones that cure diseases, or assist in the maintenance of a good life if one has something that's incurable.

But what about other mega-high wage earners? What about Hollywood and pro sports? The Occupier types not wanting to take on their political own (eg Hollywood), what do these groups contribute to society.  Well, they entertain us.  That's good.  But isn't it a parasitic profession that only takes wealth, but doesn't create it all around?  It seems to me that the whole notion of "giving back", which is a phrase ultra-popular in the left - is more in tune with what Wall Street and conservative manufacturing does, rather than any other sector of large wage earners in our country.

And then in a special category of parasite is Soros - one of the most left wing people in the world, who is also one of the wealthiest in the world. Know how he makes his money? From currency exchanges and money manipulation. So, while he's basically a Wall Streeter, he's not they kind who helps others create wealth.  Rather, he's the kind who makes money off of the misfortunes of others. He's the kind the Occupiers are complaining about. Yet not a word from them about him.

It seems to me that if one is going to complain about high wages, he ought to do it across the board.  I've not heard the name "Soros" uttered by any of the left-wing complainers. I've only heard complaints about guys who get rich making other people rich.

Obama Keeps Bain In His Cross Hairs - WSJ.com

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Obama Raises Eyebrows With Executive Order Revising Authority To Nationalize Resources For Defense | Fox News

This reminded me of something I don't get about liberals in general: They gladly wage war on American citizens who are political enemies within their own country, but more than a little gun shy about doing so with foreign enemies who have proven a desire for the destruction of the American people. Nuts! 

Obama Raises Eyebrows With Executive Order Revising Authority To Nationalize Resources For Defense | Fox News

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Bain Film Organizer Stands By Claims Against Romney | Fox News

Here's a quote from the article and the film:

"What Romney and Bain did typically was go in, load companies with debt, take exorbitant management fees so they couldn't survive in the long term."

But isn't that what Obama has been doing for the last 3 years to the whole country?

Bain Film Organizer Stands By Claims Against Romney | Fox News:

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Most Popular American Companies in China | Fox Business

The jobs discussed below used to be in America, now they are creating a Chinese middle class that competes for money, energy, everything on the world market. It's driving up prices worldwide, while driving down wages.

So what was that about a "world market" being a good thing?

The Most Popular American Companies in China | Fox Business:
China’s population in 1960 was 667 million, more than double that of the United States in 2010. China now has 1.34 billion residents. The increase would not matter much to companies if the population was still largely rural and poor, as it was half a century ago. But, in fact, the manufacturing industry that has become the engine of China’s GDP growth also has rapidly built a huge middle class, one made up primarily of factory workers. And this middle class continues to grow.