Ok, it's a nice story. Americans are a heartfelt people, and no warm-blooded American could turn a cold eye on it. But...
When I read about Vargas' educational scholarships and multiple high-level internships, I couldn't help but wonder about the other young and talented American citizens who worked equally hard, dreamed of these placements, and would have availed themselves of these opportunities. It's not like the guy is the only person who could have come up through the ranks to win a Pulitzer - it happens all the time. But this guy was an illegal alien - about which he was fully aware and didn't keep secret - who was abetted in evading federal law by a lot of people along the way.
So here we have a story that tugs at the hearts of all Americans - not because he's an illegal, but because he came from humble roots to become a success through hard work. But to read the story, the melodramatic tone ignores the fact that there are many other citizens, born in America or legally naturalized, who have the precise same story.
What pulls on my heart even more is how diminished has become the American Tale. Our great story of optimism and opportunity it is now used to push the idea that America's rightful desire to protect it's citizens through immigration law is somehow "evil," because it would not promote the efforts of those in country illegally.
Something doesn't add up there.
Pulitzer-Winning Journalist Admits He's an Illegal Immigrant - FoxNews.com: "- Sent usin Google Toolbar"