Write your Congressmen

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Why the Dems Want the Economy to Fail

I won't belabor the point about Wall Street face-planting after the US Congress fails to do anything about the 2008 banking and economic crisis. But take note of this:

Surprise! This is an election year. The Democrats are holding nothing back in order to win the presidency. They have no doubt seen the polls indicating that democrat Barack Obama's poll numbers have increased precipitously since the start of the crisis. Given that Obama's numbers have shot up in inverse proportion to the Dow Jones Industrial Average going down, why would the Democrats want to end the crisis?

The US stock market lost 777 points yesterday, translating to 1.1 TRILLION dollars of lost value. That's about 1.5 times the cost of the $700 billion rescue. If you think that doesn't affect you, have a look at your retirement portfolio; if you have a 401K, you lost a lot of money. Common sense would tell anyone with the slightest twinge of statesmanship that the crisis must be ended. But in an election year, all bets are off.

What other reason can be offered for Rep. Nancy Pelosi to go on a name-calling spree, including saying that against her Republican opponents were "unpatriotic," right before a critical vote on the measure? Common sense would say that action would cause the vote to fail. Ironically, she was in the midst of a speech congratulating the House of Reps on it's "bipartisan" efforts, when she went off-message and condemned Pres. George Bush and Republicans for causing the crisis in the first place (not true; they all caused it, as far back as 1999).

Barney Frank, head of the banking committee, did much the same, but he couldn't even corral all of his dem party members in the committee to vote for the measure; 12 democrats on the banking committee voted against the bill. Had they voted yes, the bill would have passed.

The longer this crisis lasts, the more stock value is lost, the harder it is for credit to be issued, and the greater the risk of an outright depression. The US monetary system is locked up, and all the democratic leadership in congress can do is call names. Positively incredible.

What will the dems do to win an election? I think it's time that all of them - both parties - are given their walking papers. Vote out all incumbents. It's the patriotic thing. Will you hold my place in the breadline while I go vote?

ABC News: Stocks Have Miserable Day After House Vote:
"The day started with silence -- the iconic opening bell of the New York Stock Exchange failed to sound -- and things just got worse from there, ending in the single biggest one-day point loss in history.
Congress votes down economic relief package prompting investors to sell.

The Dow Jones industrial average lost 777.68 to close at 10,365.45. The previous biggest point drop came on Sept. 17, 2001, the first day the market reopened after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

A jittery stock market spent all morning in negative territory as investors worried about the $700 billion bailout package before Congress today. By 1:40 p.m. it became clear that the House was not going to pass the bill, and stocks went into a freefall; the Dow fell 400 points in 10 minutes before eventually dropping 700 points below Friday's close.

The Nasdaq and S&P 500 also posted massive losses, down 9.1 percent and 8.8 percent respectively."

Friday, September 26, 2008

Ha, Ha, HA! - Md. Delegate Who Called For DUI Plates Charged

wjz.com - Md. Delegate Who Called For DUI Plates Charged:
"A Maryland state delegate who called for 'DUI' license plates that would be issued to people convicted more than once of drunken driving has been charged with driving under the influence himself."

As politicians yell at each other, it begins

They say that people get the government they deserve. Does this prove the point, as our bank accounts are emptied?

FOXNews.com - WaMu Seized, Sold Off in Biggest Bank Failure in U.S. History - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News:
"NEW YORK — As the debate over a $700 billion bank bailout rages on in Washington, one of the nation's largest banks — Washington Mutual Inc. — has collapsed under the weight of its enormous bad bets on the mortgage market.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. seized WaMu on Thursday, and then sold the thrift's banking assets to JPMorgan Chase & Co. for $1.9 billion.

Seattle-based WaMu, which was founded in 1889, is the largest bank to fail by far in the country's history. Its $307 billion in assets eclipse the $40 billion of Continental Illinois National Bank, which failed in 1984, and the $32 billion of IndyMac, which the government seized in July."

Bailout Talks Disintegrate Into Verbal Brawl

I said earlier they'd screw it up, but this is just priceless.

We taxpayers pay them an awful lot of money to behave like children at recess. Maybe we need new teams on both sides (meaning vote out all incumbents). Remember that in November.

FOXNews.com - Bailout Talks Disintegrate Into Verbal Brawl; Fate Uncertain - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum:
"The fate of the Bush administration's $700 billion bailout package was thrown into doubt Thursday evening, after congressional leaders left a landmark White House summit on the economy hurling accusations at each other and declaring there was no deal."

Thursday, September 25, 2008

One way the economic bailout affects you

Auto financing gets tougher, but deals are getting done - Sep. 23, 2008
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- A massive pile-up in the credit markets is causing serious congestion for new car buyers who want financing, according to industry observers. But some dealers say they're still able to work out deals.

"Credit availability has been the number one issue in our industry for several months now," said Mike Jackson, chief executive of AutoNation (AN, Fortune 500), the country's largest auto dealership chain.

The inability to arrange suitable financing has killed the deal for a lot of customers in AutoNation's 317 dealerships nationwide, Jackson said. He stressed that customers are still coming in, but they can't get a loan they can afford on the vehicle they want.

Almost all auto dealers recently surveyed by the industry newspaper Automotive News said they were having a harder time finding loans for customers with poor credit. About 60 percent said they having more trouble getting financing even for customers with good credit.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I swear, you can't make this stuff up

Matt Damon does actuarial tables? In his spare time from paleontology? After dropping out of college?

"You do the actuary tables, there's a one out of three chance, if not more, that McCain doesn't survive his first term, and it'll be President Palin,' said Damon, "I need to know if she really thinks dinosaurs were here 4,000 years ago… I really need to know, because she’s going to have the nuclear codes.”


Laura Linney on America's Founding Fathers:

Linney couldn't resist getting a little political in accepting her Emmy, saying it will always make her think of "the great community organizers that helped form our country," a reference to one-time community organizer and now Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.


Will Obscene Compensation for a Few Kill the Bailout for the World?

Greed rules, at least in some quarters.

As Hell freezes over and I find myself in agreement with the Democrats on their additions to the Wall Street "bailout" (or "rescue," however you see it), the dark side of capitalism rears it's head: exorbitant pay for those at the top, most of whom are already multi-millionaires, and far too much risk fueled by greed.

The Dems want to add 5 things to the bailout:
1. Strong oversight
2. Assistance for homeowners facing foreclosure
3. The Government will receive equity stakes in the companies allowing themselves to be rescued by the government
4. Changes to bankruptcy law allowing judges to make changes to the terms of individual mortgages
5. Limits on executive compensation.

Note again that these terms would apply only to companies accessing the plan; this does not affect law in general.

In the same way as consumers must abide by contractual terms when borrowing large sums from a bank (think mortgage or car loan), so should the mismanaged Wall Street firms requiring assistance, lest they fail, be required to submit to terms. Face it, there's no such thing as a free lunch, but even with these terms, the companies with insolvent loans on their books are getting a great deal: they palm off the junk that's currently on their books, and move ahead - plenty of cash in hand - to rape and pillage once more. The only difference is that they will need sharper lawyers to find the new loopholes that will inevitably be in the plan.

I'm not a regulation kind of guy, but frankly, I feel it's only a start. And when you really think about it, it's good for the industry, because it will save them from themselves (their greed getting the better of them and causing this mess during the housing boom of the 2000s). However, as addenda to the bailout, which absolutely must come ASAP, it's reasonable. Treasury should just agree and move on with the plan.

Treasury Relents on Key Points - WSJ.com

Monday, September 22, 2008

Only in MD do they get away with this

Marylanders just had at least 2 huge rate increases, yet that money did not pay for any additional power generation that would lower our prices. Instead, it seems to be going toward CEO Mayo Shattuck's pockets.

Were the rate increases to pay for his "golden parachute?" And why is there no outrage? Why is this not a scandal? Why are the Feds not looking into this?

wjz.com - Constellation's CEO Could Get $47 Million:
"Constellation CEO Mayo Shattuck would get a payout of $47.6 million. He would get more than $16 million from the company to pay taxes on that money."

What about separation of Politics and media?

Franken helps craft McCain 'SNL' skit - Jonathan Martin and Josh Kraushaar - Politico.com:
"Aside from exposing Franken's campaign to further questions about the seriousness of his commitment to public office, his role in the skit also leaves the NBC network vulnerable to criticism about the propriety of allowing a partisan candidate for high federal office to craft a segment mocking a presidential candidate of the opposing party."

McCarthy anew

‘SNL’ Palin-Incest Joke Falls Flat In Sketch Lampooning New York Times - America’s Election HQ

Un-believeable. SNL openly suggested in this skit that Trig may be the product of incest between Palin's husband and daughter. My God.

I am here forced to recall the McCarthy hearings, when respected Boston lawyer Joseph Welch was speaking to Senator Joseph McCarthy on June 9, 1954. His comments clearly are more true now than ever, regarding the liberal political forum:
"Until this moment..., I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness…. You’ve done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?”

The next time you criticize Palin...

Blue-collar vote, one gaffe at a time - Victoria McGrane - Politico.com:
"Among other things, the Delaware senator [Joe Biden] has said that Hillary Rodham Clinton may have been a better vice presidential pick; accidentally referred to his partner as “Barack America”; told a wheelchair-bound man to “stand up”; and called Michelle Obama’s convention speech “the most remarkable speech I have heard in my life.”"

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Dems say they won’t get fooled again - Glenn Thrush - Politico.com

Who's taking bets they screw it up?

Dems say they won’t get fooled again - Glenn Thrush - Politico.com: "Dems say they won’t get fooled again"

Who Am I?

I'm under 45 years old,

I love the outdoors,

I hunt,

I am a Republican reformer,

I have taken on the Republican Party establishment,

I have many children,

I have a spot on the national ticket as vice president with less than
two years in the governor's office.

Who am I?

Teddy Roosevelt (of course)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

AP won’t help feds, tech operator will

Michelle Malkin » Palin e-mail hack update: AP won’t help feds, tech operator will:
"The Associated Press refuses to assist federal investigators trying to find the hacker who broke into Sarah Palin’s private e-mail account."

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Michelle Obama: Don't vote because 'she's cute' - Yahoo! News

Michelle Obama: Don't vote because 'she's cute' - Yahoo! News:
"CHARLOTTE, N.C. - Michelle Obama asked voters Thursday to make their choice on the issues, not because, 'I like that guy' or, 'she's cute.'

Might she be talking about Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin?

'I'm talking about me,' she said with a smile.

Barack Obama's wife, however, is not on the ticket in the presidential election. Palin is.

Michelle Obama is part of a concerted effort involving her husband, his running mate, Sen. Joe Biden, and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton to neutralize the appeal that Palin has brought to John McCain's ticket for some female voters. They are doing so unmistakably but gingerly, so as to not appear sexist or invite another lipstick-on-a-pig tempest.

But, perhaps, not gingerly enough.

Michelle Obama's remarks came at a women's roundtable on the economy. She told the audience of 600 that her husband is the only candidate focused on equal pay, health care, affordable college, teacher recruitment and other issues of concern to women. She said that's what the election should be about."

Michelle, if that's what the election is about, then why did you reduce it to such a low level? Because you can do no better than that, obviously.

Is Biden Kidding? Where's Robin Hood?

I never thought much of Robin Hood. He was lousy at economics. Robin didn't understand where employment comes from. Thing is, those "wealthier" people whom Robin, Obama and Biden want to tax are the ones who employ you and pay your salaries. Where do you think that new, extra tax money is coming from? Answer that after you're laid off, because the Tribute to the Democrats will be paid, as usual, by the middle class.

Biden: Wealthy Americans Must Pay More Taxes to Show Patriotism - America’s Election HQ:

"WASHINGTON — Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden said Thursday that paying more in taxes is the patriotic thing to do ...

Under the economic plan proposed by Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, people earning more than $250,000 a year would pay more in taxes ...

“We want to take money and put it back in the pocket of middle-class people,” Biden said in an interview on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”

... Biden said: “It’s time to be patriotic … time to jump in, time to be part of the deal, time to help get America out of the rut.”"

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Palin e-mail hack

No doubt you're heard about this already, so i won't bore you with the story again. Of note, though, is that the site which broke the story, gawker.com, appears to be complicit in the crime.

I will bore you with what I'm doing: not going back to any of Gawker's sites. Gawker.com is a large media company which operate several blog-related pseudo-news site:
  • Gizmodo
  • Gawker
  • Jezebel
  • Consumerist
  • Valleywag
  • Defamer
  • io9
  • Jalopnik
  • Kotaku
  • Lifehacker
  • Deadspin
  • Fleshbot
Since it seems nothing they write can be trusted, I consider it a waste of time to go there. So there.

Taxes and wages

I heard discussion on taxes and the economy put very well today:
You can't help the wage-earner (i.e., taxpayer) by tearing town the wage-payer.
Exactly; people who make investments in the economy are those who pay the salaries of people who pay the taxes that support the government. Bout those wage-payers are also the ones who make the highest salaries, themselves. No good deed goes unpunished, I guess.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I am NOT a Celebrity!

ABC News: Streisand Headlines Obama Hollywood Fundraiser:
"Dreamworks' Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and
David Geffen are co-hosting tonight's party -- a reception and dinner costing $28,500 a person at Los Angeles' Beverly Wilshire Hotel, followed by a later event featuring Streisand at $2,500 a ticket.

McCain blasted Obama Tuesday for the Hollywood fundraiser.

'He says he's siding with the people just before he flew off for a fundraiser in Hollywood with Barbra Streisand,' McCain said in Vienna, Ohio."
A real man of the people, that Barack. Rich and elite people, that is.

House Passes Bill to Expand Offshore Oil Drilling

With everything that's been happening on the oil and gasoline front as it relates to normal folks being able to even pay their bills, the Democrats have the nerve to pull this. Further, Obama drones on about the poor state of the economy, yet his party-mates insist on doing the worst thing possible in a stagnant economy: increase taxes on investment.

The Democrats have had control of both houses of Congress for 2 years now. Are you satisfied with the Dems actions on energy? I am not, especially this nightmare drafted for the sake of politics in an election year.

FOXNews.com - House Passes Bill to Expand Offshore Oil Drilling - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum:
"WASHINGTON — The House has voted to allow oil drilling off the nation's Atlantic and Pacific coasts if states agree — but only 50 or more miles out. Republicans called the bill a ruse, saying that's well beyond where most of the estimated 18 billion barrels of oil is located.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the bill — approved late Tuesday 236-189 — marked 'a new direction in energy policy' as it also funnels billions of dollars to be collected from new taxes and royalties on large oil companies to promote alternative fuels and energy efficiency in an attempt to move the country away from polluting fossil fuels."

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Did you know: Biden's Son is a professional Lobbyist?

If you read this correctly, Hunter Biden's business is to appropriate earmarks for his clients.

The Democrats' hypocrisy is breathtaking.

Biden's Son Quits Lobbying - washingtonpost.com:
"Presidential candidate Barack Obama, who chose Biden as his running mate last month, has been a vocal critic of rival John McCain's ties to lobbyists. In a new television ad, Obama repeats criticisms of McCain for having current and former lobbyists on his campaign staff.

Hunter Biden and his lobbying firm, Oldaker, Biden & Belair, have represented colleges and hospitals, mainly in an effort to secure money for them in appropriation bills."

Friday, September 12, 2008

A New Missile Crisis?

If the US Department of State has any cojones, they will ask Putin directly: Does Venezuela speak for Russia?
FOXNews.com - U.S. Lashes Back After Chavez Forces Envoy From Venezuela - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News:

"Simmering tensions between Venezuela and the U.S. began heating up even more this week after two Russian strategic bombers were deployed to the country at Chavez's invitation.

'The presence of those Russian planes in Venezuela is a warning,' Chavez said Thursday. 'There's nothing better to keep yourself from being attacked than to dissuade.'"

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Important Considerations on Terrorism

On Sept 11, 2001, the US was the recipient of a horrendous terrorist attack, killing more than three thousand innocent, non-combatant, non-belligerent civilians. In the ensuing years, much has been done to protect US citizens on US soil.

Despite howling complaints from the left about reduced freedoms, not a single attack has taken place in the US since; not one. There have been attacks in other countries who have fewer freedoms than us; big ones, such as in Spain and London, but not here.

I think it's important to remember this today, Sept 11 2008, as we think about whom we each want to be our next president.

Like him or not, Bush kept us safe. With the dust of September 11 still falling, it was wildly expensive to do so, causing the promulgation of 2 wars and the creation of an entirely new department, Homeland Security. And considering the expense, our economy still managed to grow nicely through the 2000s. Even now in the downturn, with terrorism apparently in check but Afghanistan coming to a boil, the US economy shows good signs: unemployment is only at 6.1%, the stock market is healthy, more people own their own homes now than ever before in history, the ensuing mortgage crisis is being dealt with, mortgage rates never reached the rates they were even 10 years ago (back when I thought 7% was a good rate) and are falling again, and the vast majority of people are doing fine - we have food to eat, and we sleep safely in our warm beds.

Today is the day to remember what we have, and what we have achieved, despite the terrorists' best efforts to the contrary.

So, in balancing the pressures from terrorism, who is best equipped to simultaneously protect us, our children, and our economy: McCain or Obama?

Facts worth remembering today

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


"REMEMBER when MTV had veejays who actually knew something about music and aired programs that focused on, um, music? Neither do I.

This week, the music channel-turned-Democrat agitprop machine celebrated the 25th anniversary of its Video Music Awards show by turning the spotlight on an America-bashing, Sarah Palin-trashing 'comedian' from Britain as host.

The freakish Russell Brand is famous across the pond for his booze and sex addictions (which earned him multiple 'Shagger of the Year' accolades). Oh, and he made headlines for gleefully dressing up as Osama bin Laden the day after the Sept. 11 jihadists struck on American soil.

Could MTV stick a bigger finger in the eyes of American viewers on the seventh anniversary week of those murderous attacks?"

Fannie and Freddie Taking the Country for a Ride

www.baltimoreexaminer.com >> Opinion:
"As The Heritage Foundation points out, [Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are] not government agencies, but they were never really “private” either. Like Social Security (which is also in deep financial trouble), Fannie Mae is a relic from the New Deal and Freddie Mac was chartered by Congress in 1970.

Both were established to further a policy objective: make homes affordable for lower- and middle-income families. We all know how that turned out."

If this is the case that Fannie and Freddie were government-linked, then why are the CEOs of these organizations allowed to abscond with millions of dollars? Enron CEO Kenneth Lay had all of his money removed from him by the justice system, and Enron was private. Can't the same be even easier for those involved with raiding our home mortgage system?

We can't let Fannie and Freddie fail; it would not only destroy our economy, but probably ruin the mortgage industry worldwide. But what's Congress doing about this?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

More ECON 101: Taxes and Revenues

To paraphrase Will Rodgers, A Democrat never saw a tax he didn't like. But despite the best evidence, Democrats still think that raising taxes will raise revenue. In reality, all taxes actually do is raise the overall cost of a good. And the more something costs, the less of it will sell. Here's a great example in Maryland:

Additional Budget Cuts Are Proposed - washingtonpost.com:
"Budget Secretary T. Eloise Foster said she plans to recommend at least $250 million in spending cuts next month to help close the shortfall in the state's $14.5 billion general fund. Some reserve funds would be used to bridge the gap, too, Foster said.

In addition to cuts for this fiscal year, which began in July, reductions in spending would be made for fiscal 2010, for which budget analysts now project a shortfall of about $1 billion...
The announcement, confirmed by lawmakers and legislative aides briefed yesterday, is prompted by lagging revenues in a separate fund for transportation projects. Two of those revenue sources, the gas and titling taxes, have slowed considerably because of higher gas prices and slumping car sales."

Bush lowered taxes and got a 20% increase in revenue. And so it is shown once again: lower taxes to raise revenue.

And what do we do with young Obama, so hell-bent on raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans, who are also those who do all the investing that creates jobs?

Like it or not, because of the sheer amount in taxes they pay, and the huge investments they make in our economy, the wealthy do the real heavy-lifting in our economy. Let them have their cake; they baked it!

Obama’s ‘My Muslim Faith’ Gaffe Fuels New Round of Rumor-Busting - America’s Election HQ

There a couple of serious questions raised here:

First, is this a verbal gaffe, or a Freudian slip? I'm not certain, but given that Obama's natural mode is evasive, he has something to hide. Is this it?

Second, what the hell is Stephanopoulos doing in correcting Obama? Does he work for Obama? Does George read minds? People reveals loads in the things that they say off the cuff, and it's pretty clear on whose side Georgie is.

Obama’s ‘My Muslim Faith’ Gaffe Fuels New Round of Rumor-Busting - America’s Election HQ: "Asked about whether McCain himself has done anything to suggest he’s Muslim, Obama said, “Let’s not play games. What I was suggesting — you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith. And you’re absolutely right that that has not come…”

“Christian faith,” Stephanopoulos interrupted, correcting Obama."

Corporate Irresponsibility?

Perhaps there's a reason American corporations make obscene amounts of money: they have great ideas, and the cojones to see them through. Take energy, for example. The US Congress has been battling this for years now, with absolutely nothing done. They can't even agree on what should be done. And the Democrats have been downright obstructionist.

Enter one of the US's largest companies: Google. From this unlikely place comes some numbers and a plan that might actually rescue us.

Google sees energy solution in the math | Green Tech - CNET News:
"At an event called the Corporate EcoForum, Schmidt laid out Google's energy plan to sustainability executives from Coca-Cola, Motorola, Clorox, Microsoft, and dozens of others."

Friday, September 5, 2008

Ad of the Day

The conservative Freedom Defense Fund is already up with an ad with a voiceover of Barack Obama praising just resigned and jail-bound Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick as a 'great mayor… and a leader not just in Detroit but all across the country… I'm grateful to call him a friend,' with the primary image a mug shot of Kilpatrick with text overlaid with the charges against him. At then end, white on black text reads: 'You should know who Barack Obama's friends are.'

Download video!


It Ain't Pretty: Feminists Revealed for What They Are

So it appears Oprah will not be inviting Sarah Palin on her show. This should not be a surprise, given Oprah's support for Obama and Palin's place on the opposing ticket. But it is. Didn't we all think Oprah was for promoting all capable women? Showing women as being capable - perhaps moreso - than men? Say it ain't so, Oprah!

The feminists are now shown for what they are: liberal elitists with a stanch left-wing agenda. They dig in their spike heels and flatly refuse to revel in the accomplishments of a conservative woman, no matter how great those accomplishments are. Sarah Palin came from humble middle-class roots; it's the core of her popularity; she's like us.

But the feminists will have none of it. Palin is not cosmopolitan enough, not urban enough, not left enough. It doesn't matter that she's reformed for the better nearly everything she's been around; she's conservative - and a moderate one, at that. That's the deal killer, despite her being a woman who beat the Old Boys at their own game.

Wow, what a revelation!

As a side note, my wife canceled her subscription to O magazine over this. It appears Oprah is more Democrat than fair. She's Certainly not a stateswoman.

FOXNews.com - Oprah Reportedly Balking at Having Palin on Show - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment:

"The queen of talk appears to be balking at inviting newly minted Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on her show, according to The Drudge Report.

Winfrey's staff reportedly is sharply divided on booking Palin.

'Half of her staff really wants Sarah Palin on,' a source told Drudge. 'Oprah's Web site is getting tons of requests to put her on, but Oprah and a couple of her top people are adamantly against it because of Obama.'

Oprah, who hosted and has campaigned with Democratic nominee Barack Obama, last year blocked an appearance by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, timed to a promotional tour of his autobiography.

The Drudge Report also cites Oprah and her executive producer Sheri Salata as big contributors to Obama's campaign."

Where is our culture headed, and why are girls responsible?

The coarsening continues - but this time on the backs of the unborn generation.

Women argue - rightly - that they have the right to control their own bodies. But they also say this when they are clearly not in control of it. A rash of movies this past year have focused on the idea of unintentional pregnancy (note that I didn't say "unwanted; ' that would be a horrible thing to say about a little kid), glorifying it through the simple act of making a film about it.

Troubling is that these films are aimed at youth. Are they the new "date" film? Are they the new role models for highschoolers?

And I'm not even addressing the Girls Gone Wild spate of films.

Murphy, Juno, Jamie Lynn and Bristol - Yahoo! News: "Several movies released in 2007 revolved around unwanted pregnancies. In “Waitress,” Keri Russell portrayed a small-town restaurant employee whose abusive husband plies her with booze before getting her pregnant. In “Knocked Up,” another drunken interlude leads to a one-night stand in which glam gal Katherine Heigl becomes pregnant by stoner goofus Seth Rogen. And at year’s end, “Juno” saw a small-town teen hipster quickly dismiss thoughts of abortion and opt instead for a private adoption."

So if women and girls have the right to control their own bodies, one could argue that they should also recognize the responsibility they have to their bodies, to themselves, and to the children that they can bear. Politically and culturally, male behavior is often used as the standard: "If it's good for a man, why not for a woman?" A stupid argument. Men and women are different. And often, by our nature, males do stupid things.

Using male sexual behavior as a model is a very bad thing for girls to do (usually bad for boys, too). Men and women - males and females - are different in so many ways that arguing for a unisex approach to sexual behavior simply doesn't address the differences and ramifications. Young men will bed down with just about anyone; like it or not, it's in the anthropology. But it's the girls who will bear the cost if they behave in the same manner.

Girls need a reality check; It's very important for young women to remember what they are - females, not males. They're physically, biologically, and emotionally different, and behavior should follow.

In the final analysis, I feel genuinely sorry for the children of women who don't have enough sense to control their own bodies. In the broader picture, I feel bad for the culture that unwanted children will produce. In this manner, girls can control the future culture.

Women have so much more power than they know. Girls should demand better of themselves.

: The Pop Tarts Speak:

FOXNews.com - Pop Tarts: Hollywood Stars React to Sarah Palin, Daughter’s Pregnancy

"LOS ANGELES — The 'Juno' effect is the talk of Tinseltown, and it seems every star and starlet has a different opinion of John McCain’s running mate, Sarah Palin, and whether her 17-year-old daughter’s pregnancy will affect their campaign."

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Czech Proverb

"The big thieves hang the little ones."

Does Obama Even Know Against Whom He's Running?

The attacks from the Obama campaign come fast and furious, but the majority of them have been against outgoing president George Bush. In recent days, the Obama camp has been leveling attacks against Sarah Palin:
Palin wows GOP, puts Dems on notice : "Nominee Barack Obama’s campaign issued a response that looked straight past Palin and linked her rhetoric to President Bush."
The problem, of course, is that Obama is running against neither of them; he's running against John McCain. So comparisons from Obama about Bush's policies, and about Palin's experience, seem misdirected.

Are the Obama people confused? And if so, what does that say about the "3am phone call?"

Monday, September 1, 2008

Obama did the right thing

I may not believe he's the right man for the presidency, but I have to give him credit: this is the right thing. Would that we all take this tone.

Obama Says Palin Pregnancy “Off Limits” « FOX Embeds « FOXNews.com:
"“I have heard some of the news on this and so let me be a clear as possible: I have said before and I will repeat again, I think people’s families are off limits, and people’s children are especially off limits. This shouldn’t be part of our politics,” the Democrat said forcefully. “It has no relevance to Governor Palin’s performance as governor, or her potential performance as a VP. And so I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories,” he continued."